Ultrasonic Coating Spraying System For Diagnostic Equipment

As of 2011, there were about 4,000 types of in vitro diagnostic tests in the United States alone, nearly 7 billion per year for patient tissue samples, and more than 750 billion dollars more likely to be spent on health care. Among other aspects, advances in computing, resolution, nanotechnology and microfluidic technology have enabled the research and development of new equipment to evolve and improve existing equipment. More accurate, cheaper and faster diagnostics are key in the medical field.
UUltrasonic Coating Spraying System For Diagnostic Equipment - Cheersonic
Ultrasonic nozzles to develop such equipment and expand its production. Our systems can be used to test substrate production, and the manufacture of gas-assisted spray-forming converters is directly connected to our ultrasonic nozzles. The attachment uses a low airflow that is usually less than 2 psi to direct the droplet onto the substrate.Our ultrasonic atomization spraying equipment generates the shape required by the customer and the device is easy to use.

Ultrasonic Spraying Video